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‘When and where was this received, Constable?’ asked Holmes.
‘It came in yesterday’s post to the home of George Lusk, Sir.’
‘That chap from the Whitechapel Vigilance Committee?’
‘Yes sir. And he took it to Doctor Frederick Wiles, who then brought it to us. It was in a small cardboard box, perhaps three inches square all round.’
‘You say it came in a cardboard box?’ asked Holmes, beginning to see the second and third of four parallels between this incident, and another very recent case of his from the past month. In that case, the killer had placed two severed ears preserved in coarse salt into a cardboard box and posted them to a Miss Susan Cushing. He later told me he wondered if the killer had been following our exploits in The Strand.
‘Yes sir, Mister Holmes. And old Doctor Openshaw says the kidney was preserved in wine, and is almost certainly the one the Ripper took from Kate Eddowes. It matches exactly the piece that was missing from her body. He said part of it corresponds exactly to the bit that was left inside her.’
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