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Have you watched the entire 6 figure free land flipping training?
My name is Ron — I started documenting my Journey in land flipping in December 2021 and made a goal to NET $100,000 in my first year. After 10 Months of dedicating roughly 10 hours a week, my NET profits were over $127,000+. After about 12 months, we were able to achieve $235,000 in Profits.
I started in business many years ago and was able to achieve these results because I applied my previous systems and processes, and simply apply it to the land flipping business.
‘”What sets me apart from these other land investors, is I’m the most transparent Land Investor/coach you’ll meet, I documented my entire journey on YouTube, showed proof by providing all my HUDS and seller finance docs and finally decided that ill take this to the next level in 2023.”
I have I created Flip Academy to share my resources and experience investing in Land.
▶︎ Learn to Invest and Flip Land to generate 6 Figure’s +
▶︎ Learn The Systems and processes to scale
▶︎ Flip Your Way to Success
▶︎ A lot of the strategies I teach, are current ways to do this Land investing business effectively!
Ron Dalal
Founder of Flip Academy
Free training for flipping land to achieve six figure results fast.
My name is Ron — I started documenting my Journey in land flipping in December 2021 and made a goal to NET $100,000 in my first year. After 10 Months of dedicating roughly 10 hours a week, my NET profits were over $127,000+. After about 12 months, we were able to achieve $235,000 in Profits.
I started in business many years ago and was able to achieve these results because I applied my previous systems and processes, and simply apply it to the land flipping business.
‘”What sets me apart from these other land investors, is I’m the most transparent Land Investor/coach you’ll meet, I documented my entire journey on YouTube, showed proof by providing all my HUDS and seller finance docs and finally decided that ill take this to the next level in 2023.”
I have I created Flip Academy to share my resources and experience investing in Land.
▶︎ Learn to Invest and Flip Land to generate 6 Figure’s +
▶︎ Learn The Systems and processes to scale
▶︎ Flip Your Way to Success
▶︎ A lot of the strategies I teach, are current ways to do this Land investing business effectively!
Ron Dalal
Founder of Flip Academy
Free training for flipping land to achieve six figure results fast.